Why do we need you?
For Anoushka, making films is to place herself in the collective, in the plural society and to intervene by bringing ideas and entertainment. Her ambition is to propose inclusive,, and uncomplicated films. The important thing is that a film, an idea, a perspective can move the lines and allow people to feel better, more comfortable in their sexuality in short a feel good cinema. The studio needs your support to continue to offer a positive and joyful alternative.
Supporting Anoushkameans being part of a collective and diverse approach where the objective is to represent a real diversity of bodies, sexualities and genders while respecting the limits of each person! !
You need to create an account to subscribe and you will have access to the full catalog of short and feature films. It will be a good way to support Anoushka's production for more inclusive, more ethical and still very sexy films!
Pour s’abonner, il suffit simplement de cliquer sur le bouton S’abonner dans le menu du site et de suivre la procédure d’inscription.
Un compte utilisateur va être créé. Il vous sera ensuite possible de gérer votre abonnement et d’accéder à l’ensemble des vidéos liées à l’abonnement en cliquant sur le lien My Movies link in the menu or directly from the My Account > Movies menu.
Your subscription is automatically renewed every month but if you change your mind you can unsubscribe at any time.
Pour cela, c’est très simple. Il vous suffit de cliquer sur le lien Mon compte > Mon abonnement et de choisir l’option : Me désabonner.